Monday, December 3, 2012

A pond of nectar

A good teacher with a great impetus to teach is like initiation to swimming in a pond of nectar for an eager student...It is simply bliss unexplained and unexplainable!

21 till I die!

I may have been 18 for a long while, and even sung the Bryan Adams liner - 18 till I die, every now and then... Now I am 21, and will continue to be that for a few years more, unless there are reasons enough to rollback to the unadulterated fun-life mode again..

Shit happens

My friend often exclaims - Shit happens... I keep wondering whether he is optimistic or pessimistic about the context, when he states that!

No right to judge your potential

Nobody has the right to judge your potential....Not even you!

Teacher and student

If a teacher is a genius and a student is brilliant, there is magic in the classroom; A teacher may be genius and student may be dull, or, a teacher may be shallow and the student may be brilliant, or, It still can be worked upon... But, if it so happens, that the teacher is shallow and the student is dull, it is a classic case of (educational)institutional unending pandemonium...