Thursday, January 30, 2014

The clout under the democracy's veil

I was greatly impressed by Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged though it took months for me to read. I digested the thought of human non-utility of desperate people at the top of the political hierarchy from it. The thought of useless people in power, talking about thing they can't do, afraid of the people who can do great things to the country. What I see now in the recent week's interview, just reinstates the same. The person may be innocent. He may be talking full of emotion, but he can't and won't change anything... His family's name is at stake. His party's name is at stake. As we all know and have been seeing for years about the thousand's of crores of money they have made and how they have ignored the state's affairs. The interviewer brought out several of the scandals done by the powerful. We all know what is happening in the system, we just want it to stop and the unjust be punished. With great power comes responsibility. Being powerful is not wrong, but being powerfully unjust is just not pardonable. My dearest Mother India; why have you taken so much of pain. Why have your children endured the torment of corruption to the core. Why is the country's economy boiling in the last two years in the like's of which it hasn't seen in the last 200 years. I love you mother, I want your children to prosper. I do not want your face, the face of rising India to be shown as the crying naked child having malnutrition and picking on roadside garbage. Time and again, we Indians have proven worthy of unique intelligence. We will stand by you, my dearest mother. I just pray that the rising inflation should stabilize. Corruption or no corruption, every Indian should get access to his daily morsel, not by alms but by rightly earning it in the possible way. Education should reach the nooks of the nation. Food, nutrition and sanitation should reach the poorest. Leaders should rise. Vision should re-emerge. Notwithstanding the decay of our rich 35,000 year old culture, we should be tolerant of diversity yet, intolerant of injustice. We Indians will live and let live and make this this world a better place.