Saturday, February 23, 2013

Are we better off than yesterday?

Life has certainly become easier and more comfortable for the current generation as compared to that of people who belonged two generation ago. Technology and establishment of individual rights in a rational society are the sole reason for easing out the various difficulties an average human faced during the past. The primary purpose of technological and scientific development is to provide solutions to the various problems prevailing at a given time in history, be it under the medical field or the entertainment industry. The troubles have been enervated and what were fatal problems of yester years look implausible to cause harm in today's world. The eradication of major diseases and advancement of medicines for most of the common ailments has reflected in the increase in life-expectancy of a human being. not only has technology and science assured mitigation of life risks, it also strives to ensures that quality of life improves through various factors like better communication and transportation facilities. The entertainment industry improves not only the audio-visual treatises in every movie or music composition that releases with better technological support, but also strives to relinquish the wide imaginations and desires of the customers of the entertainment industry. There is a tendency across the globe to move towards a society that acknowledges the individual sentiment and establish a rational social equilibrium. This assertion may seem far-fetched when seeing the disturbances in the media and the various communal fights that are prevalent, but these have surfaced to the sight of the common man only due to the rise in media awareness. We have moved away from the World war era where the life of common man was sacrificed and even during peace times, harmony was to be enforced with random curfew and related social stabilization policies. Grandparents would often cite times when they couldn’t step out their place for days and when daily utilities were scarce to get were rationed frugally. The visualization of increase in the standard of living can be seen in the increase in usage of mobile phones, vehicles and gadgets that make things easier. But all these come with a price of more perseverance and increased risk of defaulting on credit. In today's world, anything can be procured on credit and life can be lived on a day on day basis. But the expectations of performances have increased along with the rising complexities of social life. Hence the comfort that the current generation is living in can be sustain in the long run only if the people of the current generation exercise a sense of restraint while enjoying and purchase on credit keeping in mind the increase liability towards repaying their debts.

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