Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mail to my class mates

SUBJECT: This week's seminar!!! *** MUST READ *** :-) :-) :-)

Hi all,

The subject line was structured just to capture your attention.

"DO NOT attend the Seminar of this week."

For reasons, contact any anybody who knows why :-)
Maximum no. of times you will have to ask is 17C1 = 17 (Since you are the
the person who wants to know, I assume, you will not ask yourself)

For all those who didnt come to Founder's day Rythmica concert(or in other
words, for all the 17 of you :-) ) , I have attached the instrumental
piece I was involved in.I played the Kanjira...To identify, it is the instrument
that is not heard at all in the whole piece!!! (except one 20 second solo
and 2 seconds later).

If you are highly impressed by the above literary humor writing style, I
endorse the book - 'Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' for you to read(buy
it for yourself and dont ask me as I am not yet done reading the 5 novels
in 1 book)

NOTE: For more 60% of us, the first message about seminar is redundant, as
by the time they reach this mail of mine and manage to read it, there are
three possibilities:

1) The seminar is already over and you didnt get to my mail and were still
browsing through last week's mails in your squirrelmail.

2) You simply put it in thrash as you have a contention that Karthik sends
unimportant/non-contributing mails to you with more than 90% Confidence Interval.

3) You thought this was another of the 8-10 broadcasts to attend the
seminar and simply ignored or deleted it.

4) You have put it in folder named: " To read later" and never saw it.

5) You think this is some essay writing contest about which I want you to
assess my nomination and you plan to tell me about it after the mid-sem
next week.

6) So many things are conveyed in this mail due to which you forgot what
it was all about by the time you finished reading it(if ever you did managed
the feat).

Since this is quite a lengthy mail, I will remind one of us to again
remind you about not attending this week seminar.A classic case of
miscommunication could be when someone turns up next week and asks me why
I was so particular to convey 'to attend this Friday seminar'. I assume
that event will be just an outlier though it is inevitable at times to
simply perfectly communicate things without any confusion either in the
composer or the reader's mind in mails(similar to the presentations that we give)

I will write the rest of the nonsensical stuff in some other context.(as irrevelant as this gets)

Till then, take a break and read up on academics.

Thanks and regards,


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