Monday, December 3, 2012

A pond of nectar

A good teacher with a great impetus to teach is like initiation to swimming in a pond of nectar for an eager student...It is simply bliss unexplained and unexplainable!

21 till I die!

I may have been 18 for a long while, and even sung the Bryan Adams liner - 18 till I die, every now and then... Now I am 21, and will continue to be that for a few years more, unless there are reasons enough to rollback to the unadulterated fun-life mode again..

Shit happens

My friend often exclaims - Shit happens... I keep wondering whether he is optimistic or pessimistic about the context, when he states that!

No right to judge your potential

Nobody has the right to judge your potential....Not even you!

Teacher and student

If a teacher is a genius and a student is brilliant, there is magic in the classroom; A teacher may be genius and student may be dull, or, a teacher may be shallow and the student may be brilliant, or, It still can be worked upon... But, if it so happens, that the teacher is shallow and the student is dull, it is a classic case of (educational)institutional unending pandemonium...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Julius Caesar Act 4 by William Shakespeare

Brutus: There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

Dynamicity of the Random Variate called - Life

Sometimes, I sit, stopover in the journey of life and ponder: OK, THIS IS IT! But the next instance, I have to revisit the statement to ascertain, what was the 'this' and what is the 'it' I contemplated upon...

Time and tide waits for no one

But a lender will wait for you patiently...everywhere till you return back the debt!

I am like that only

It is Commonplace to hear the phrase - ' I am like that only' I admire the people who say - " I can change,if it is for the better! " (ADAPTED From an idea expressed in I'm OK, u'r OK book by Thomas Harris. where he mentions about this kind who are stubborn and the corresponding complement who are flexible and the asset to the Human race!

Desire revisited

One doesnt get that one desires at an instant 't' coz he hasnt tried hard enough... It traces back to strange fact that the lack of hardwork towards that desire could have been in response to slack in the want...or in short, HE DIDNT WANT IT THAT BADLY rather.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

from india unbound- gurucharan das

Sleeping in the park in a city is a form of a civilization. First,you need a city with enough bustle and clatter to make a person yearn for a calm,green spot.Then you need a first class park.and finally, you need the right sort of person,one who is capable of dropping his guard and flopping down on the ground and falling asleep with his mouth open and snoring like a yodelinh walrus.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

GM message on a Sunday

The butterfly flitters past the glitter of the first rays of the sun,
hoping to sit on the brightest sunflower today.
The brightest sunflower in turn hopes for the first ray of the sun to gleam past.
There were a lot of other mersmerizing sights in the early dawn;
I just woke up a few minutes past noon,
hence the above lines are a vivid desciption,
extracted from myu wild imagination.
What the hell, I thought of composing this sms,
so that I can wish you a good day, I will;
Wish you a good day, I will,
Be it a good morning, good noon or good night.
Have a great day, my friend, have a great Sunday!

The link

Every group of people: be it different category of friends(like school
friends, music buddies), relatives, siblings or work pals have this one thing in common:

There is this one person or max. two people whom I call the 'link'. They are the of the kind who make great things happen; be it an school buddies reunion, making birthday a very special moment or giving company when needed most.

The human instinct of emotional expression is suppressed by the superficial impression of putting up an image of behaving as per the age.
Humans will never age if they understand that such pretense of doing the
so called sensible thing of 'not expressing such views as you have done in
your mail' should be outgrown or better expressed, to be unlearned.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

mess romance

Many a times,I have sensed your glance over me,
When,i steal a glance at you,once a while.
It is time we better agree,
Your shyness doesnt buy,so doesnt mine!

It is rude,you may feel, to stare at a stranger,
To talk about him,to enquire about him.
It is boisterous, you may suppose, to find out,
if he knows your name or not;
Seldom away from your gang of girlfriends,
You feel this is how a good natured Indian girl must be.
You feel protected,you feel you are right socially.
But your heart knows better,you heart cries out bitter
Suppress it you must, since you are as Indianised a girl as much
You would hate to admit...
Thinking of what you think has made me give up,
my rhyme;
Moreover,I would still like to say-
It is time we better agree,
Your shyness doesnt buy,so doesnt mine!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mail to my class mates

SUBJECT: This week's seminar!!! *** MUST READ *** :-) :-) :-)

Hi all,

The subject line was structured just to capture your attention.

"DO NOT attend the Seminar of this week."

For reasons, contact any anybody who knows why :-)
Maximum no. of times you will have to ask is 17C1 = 17 (Since you are the
the person who wants to know, I assume, you will not ask yourself)

For all those who didnt come to Founder's day Rythmica concert(or in other
words, for all the 17 of you :-) ) , I have attached the instrumental
piece I was involved in.I played the Kanjira...To identify, it is the instrument
that is not heard at all in the whole piece!!! (except one 20 second solo
and 2 seconds later).

If you are highly impressed by the above literary humor writing style, I
endorse the book - 'Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy' for you to read(buy
it for yourself and dont ask me as I am not yet done reading the 5 novels
in 1 book)

NOTE: For more 60% of us, the first message about seminar is redundant, as
by the time they reach this mail of mine and manage to read it, there are
three possibilities:

1) The seminar is already over and you didnt get to my mail and were still
browsing through last week's mails in your squirrelmail.

2) You simply put it in thrash as you have a contention that Karthik sends
unimportant/non-contributing mails to you with more than 90% Confidence Interval.

3) You thought this was another of the 8-10 broadcasts to attend the
seminar and simply ignored or deleted it.

4) You have put it in folder named: " To read later" and never saw it.

5) You think this is some essay writing contest about which I want you to
assess my nomination and you plan to tell me about it after the mid-sem
next week.

6) So many things are conveyed in this mail due to which you forgot what
it was all about by the time you finished reading it(if ever you did managed
the feat).

Since this is quite a lengthy mail, I will remind one of us to again
remind you about not attending this week seminar.A classic case of
miscommunication could be when someone turns up next week and asks me why
I was so particular to convey 'to attend this Friday seminar'. I assume
that event will be just an outlier though it is inevitable at times to
simply perfectly communicate things without any confusion either in the
composer or the reader's mind in mails(similar to the presentations that we give)

I will write the rest of the nonsensical stuff in some other context.(as irrevelant as this gets)

Till then, take a break and read up on academics.

Thanks and regards,


Friday, February 24, 2012

What are you exposed to

You are born in India.
You watch serials,movies and listen to songs.
There is growing unrest amongst the youth, what they want to achieve, what they study, what they know and what they can do, how much they want to earn and what they will do with the money.

You are Indian but there are lot of moments when you loathe Indian people. You want to be like the Shahrukh in Swades, the Aamir in Rang De Basanti. You hate corruption, you hate poverty, you hate brain drain and you want to control population explosion.

Our need, our role and action plan is always distorted. I know that we have scarcity of water. But we may not know who needs it the most, who is wasting it, who cares for it like you or more than you and what you can do about it. The only thing you may know about your wish is that 'You know the world will experience growing water scarcity over the years and SOMETHING is got to be done.' The intention is noble, but unless someone capitalises on it, it is as futile as the news articles for the guy who sells groundnuts wrapped in the same paper.

Mail to fate and its reply

Why is it, that I am the person who has to suffer,
I have to get all the stale fruits and the withered flowers.

Why is it, that all the troubles and difficulties are generous to me,
The day I go out of campus, there is rain or the blaring sun to invite,
The moment I wish to sleep somebody has to call and discuss Maxwell's 3rd law.
The week I decide to take a vacation;
there is an international conference hosted by my guide.

There are moments when I am alone,when I am afraid or weary of work,

Are you cross with me dearest fairy of Fate, do you humor yourself with my state?

Fate fairy:
My child, dont keep whining and blaming your fate,
Your problems are heard, empathized but not the gravest of all.

There is fun in everything, as you may know that the darkness defines light in its absence as so does pain glorify pleasure.

I am closely linked to your Wish Fairy and assist her as follows:

You ask for courage, I give you moments where you have to tackle with danger,
You ask for true love, I give you moments of solitude to contemplate and re-invent your life.

You deal with adversities, you deal with pain,
for others your experience is what counts as your capability unexplained.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The old story of planting the invisible sapling

The government had assigned a job to three people to plant saplings in some area. A guy had to dig a hold, the other had to place the sapling and the third guy had to put water and fill up the hole.

The guy who was placing the sapling in the hole was absent one day.But the guy who digs and the guy who fills the hole were present. They just came to the site, dug the place and were closing the holes repeatedly.

Typical mentality of getting the work done without knowing why we do it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

techno comment

For years radio had been operated by means of pressing buttons and turning dials;then as the technology became more sophisticated the controls were made touch-sensitive-you merely had to brush the panels with your fingers;now all you had to do was wave your hand in the general direction of the components and saved a lot of muscular expenditure,of course,but meant that you had to sit infuriatingly still if you wanted to keep listening to the same program. - Douglas Adams ,hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wanting Ignorance is not seeking bliss, it is a shameful bane

Unawareness is close to death and.... Ignorance is no @#$$%#& bliss!!! Knowledge is the only redeemer. You can learn and progress through human life only if you embrace the need of AWARENESS. If not, we better start writing some literature about the Inverse-Darwin's theory of Evolution.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time is the doctor who gives us patience rather than taking in patients into its clinic!
You can assess your true self when you are alone!
But don't go too far into being lonely!
Just assess and get back to your friends.

on grey clouds

I am so over-confident about myself sometimes that I cease to think I am human.
I am so under-confident sometimes that I cease to think I am human!

After some years, when we meet...

We may not have anything common to talk about; this happens to everyone in the world. You can call it diminishing value of human relations

If you meet frequently, people get used to you, if you do not meet at all, all you can talk about when meeting up later are the 'old times' talks...

I think human life is too predictable. Do people try out new things?

Most of the things are not definitely ordinal

What is right and what is wrong? What is blue and what is dark shade of violet? What is courteous and what remains defined as audacious?
There may a distribution of all things with every aspect just plotted in between the upper and the lower extremes.
Who is trustworthy, who is creative, who is naive and how to select a prospective candidate.The relative cut-off point and thresholds for confidence intervals are seldom close to universal acceptance level. Here is where fate, providence, compromise and oblique understanding of fundamental concepts gathers its grounds.

Is Corruption really defined? Does praying have an other effects than just mollifying pain/suffering? Who is more at blame in a situation of increasing social economical differences:
1. the beggar
2. the society
3. the people who stride past him ignoring his presence
4. the government
5. the guy who gives alms and sets an expectation of dependent survival possibility for the beggar

You may have some ordinal answers. But try applying them switching places with the antagonist selected by you previously and answer the same above. How relative is your answer to life and how righteous is the appeal?

What do we like and what do we hate? Is it necessary to keep the distinction more of less constant over the years or keep changing opinions as quickly as possible? By doing the former, you may get labelled as presumptous and by sticking safely to the latter, you may fall into the category of irresolute and the cause of today's lack of universal convictions.

Returning to the primary problem, the primary solution is to grade the right/wrong, like/dislike in a distribution of personal as well as social agreement. Taking the decision will always remain non-definite to conserve the beauty of in-congruence and colorfulness of human existence.

Love it or hate it, life is not an multiple answers objective question paper we are so used to answering through the resourcefully exhausted 8 adolscent years of our student life.